建構團隊正向思維- growth mindset
建構團隊正向思維- growth mindset
適用對象:全體同仁、team leader
1. 學習成為可靠的夥伴
2. 覺察個人的心智模式- fixed mindset vs growth mindset
3. 面對團隊中的改變與挑戰,可以採取的行動與團隊互動模式
1. learning partner
1. 分享願景,相互學習 share vision, mutual learning
• knowing different kinds of behaviors
1. fixed mindset vs growth mindset, challenge impossible
• seeking a new territory
1. active learning:give one take one
• be a reliable partner
1. forming, storming, norming and performing
• adjust old behavior
1. set up a challenge goal
• find out team work
1. build up a reasonable process
• knowing a model for consensus
1. out of comfort zone, learning other’s strategic
• reduce comflic
1. 記憶、理解轉化;透過分享,擴大學習